A Guide to Becoming a Product Security Engineer

Cenk Kalpakoğlu10 Jul 2023

As companies increasingly digitalized, the necessity for cybersecurity has never been more vital. Product security engineers are in great demand since they are responsible for securing software products, operating systems, and the underlying infrastructure against potential attacks. Assuming you're interested in cybersecurity and want to work in it, this article will provide the information you need to begin your own career path as a product and application security engineer.

The Role of a Product Security Engineer

A Day in the Life of a Product Security Engineer

A product security engineer is analogous to the guardian of a software product. These experts protect a product throughout its life cycle, from the initial design phase through the subsequent development and maintenance stages. Their duties as product security engineers extend beyond reducing risks and addressing vulnerabilities to provide more secure products and software solutions. They must also have their finger on the pulse of the industry, staying up to date on new trends and potential threats in cybersecurity.

But it's not just about the technology. Communication skills are essential. These experts must be able to convey complicated security concepts, systems and threat scenarios to individuals outside of their company, organization, or technical realm regularly. Thus, they must be able to do it quickly.

Laying the Foundation in Product Security Engineering

The ABCs of Security Concepts and Principles

As you embark on this exciting career journey, laying a solid foundation is crucial to understanding basic security concepts programming tools, skills required, and principles. Begin by familiarizing the engineering team and yourself with the CIA triad — Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability. These are the core tenets of information security, forming the basis of any secure system.

Confidentiality entails utilizing security tools and measures to guarantee that only authorized people can access sensitive information. It's like maintaining a secret among close friends: no one outside the circle should know. In the digital realm, this often entails using encryption to keep prying eyes away from our sensitive data.

Integrity ensures that data stays unchanged throughout its lifespan unless modified by an authorized person. This idea is analogous to ensuring the authenticity of a work closely related to an artist's original artwork. In cybersecurity, this might include methods such as hashing and digital signatures in programming secure software.

Availability ensures that information and resources are available when they are required. Consider it as maintaining a city's public services operational around the clock. Maintaining high uptime, adopting security policies, establishing robust disaster recovery processes and practices, and ensuring system resilience all contribute to availability in the digital domain.

Once you've got a good handle on these security concepts, it's time to delve deeper. Encryption, authentication, and authorization.

With a solid understanding of these security controls, you'll have a solid foundation to build on as you advance in your cybersecurity journey.

Encryption converts readable data (plaintext) into an unreadable format (ciphertext) to prevent unauthorized access. It's like a secret language known only to the sender and recipient. Standard encryption algorithms include RSA, AES, and DES.

Authentication validates an individual's identity before providing access to resources. Think of it as a bouncer checking IDs at a nightclub - only verified individuals can enter.

Authorization goes further by determining what a verified user can do within the system. Like a museum guide directing visitors — some may only view exhibits, while others, like security engineer or staff, have permission to access restricted areas.

The Programming Arsenal for Security Engineers

One of the distinguishing characteristics of a product security engineer is the need for a hands-on approach to coding. You're not simply safeguarding a product; you're going under the hood and are interacting with the source code. This implies you must be proficient in the programming languages often used in applications, such as Python, Java, C++, or GoLang.

These languages were not randomly picked; each has its benefits and disadvantages. Python, for example, is admired for its ease of use and automation features. Simultaneously, Java is well-known for its cross-platform portability and infrastructure security, making it a popular choice for enterprise-level applications.

Must-Have Technical Skills for Product Security Engineers

Web Application Security

As a product security engineer, you must be familiar with typical security vulnerabilities such as SQL injection, Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), and Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF). These vulnerabilities represent some of the most common and severe cyber risks.

However, being aware of these hazards is just half the fight. You'll also need to arm your security teams and yourself with tools like OWASP ZAP or Burp Suite to assist you in finding and mitigating these vulnerabilities in real-world scenarios.

Another area you'll need to able to navigate is network security. A network's integrity is vital for software development or product safety. Therefore, familiarity with network protocols, programming, vulnerability management tools, and security mechanisms can be a significant advantage in ensuring a product's security. You might want to consider getting the CompTIA Network+ certification which will give you a good grounding in fundamental networking principles.

But how do you secure a network? Familiarize yourself with network penetration testing tools and best practices. When used correctly, these tools can help you uncover potential weaknesses in your network's security, allowing you to address these issues before they become significant threats.

Cracking the Code with Cryptography

As a product security engineer, you must grasp various encryption algorithms, vulnerability technologies, and protocols, as well as how to assess their resilience using cryptanalysis methods.

A Glimpse into the Daily Life of a Product Security Engineer

Typical Tasks and Challenges

Each day in the life of a product security engineer presents unique challenges. A product security engineer's work is diverse and engaging, from threat modeling and security code reviews to security guidance to penetration testing, detection, and incident response support. Regular collaboration with senior leadership, various product teams, and team members is also part of the job, emphasizing the importance of working effectively in a group.

While the scope of what your day-to-day might look like as a product security engineer, here are some of the main tasks you will be working on each day:

  1. Threat Modeling: Identifying potential threats and risks to the product, often by creating models or diagrams that outline potential attack vectors. You can dive deeper into the threat modeling process at OWASP Threat Modeling community.
  2. Vulnerability Assessment: Regularly assessing the product for vulnerabilities manually or using automated tools. This proactive approach can help prevent security issues before they occur. The EC-Council offers certifications on ethical hacking and vulnerability analysis.
  3. Penetration Testing: Attempting to exploit potential vulnerabilities in a controlled setting to verify their existence and understand their impact. This helps to ensure that defences are as robust as possible. Cloudflare’s introduction is a good starting point to learn more about pen testing.
  4. Security Architecture Design: Working with product and engineering teams to design and implement security controls and protections within the product. This task ensures the product is built with security in mind from the ground up.
  5. Incident Response: Responding to security incidents, such as data breaches or successful cyberattacks. This could involve conducting forensic analysis, determining the impact of the incident, and recommending/implementing measures to prevent recurrence. IBM’s introduction to incident response is a good starting point to learn more.

Growth and Advancement in Product Security Engineering

The Career Ladder in Sight

Embarking on a serious career path in product security software engineering doesn't mean you'll always be in the same role. As you acquire more experience and broaden your skill set, opportunities for growth and progression related technical field will emerge. You might start as a junior product security engineer. Still, with dedication and continuous learning, you could eventually take on roles like an architect or even Chief Information Security Officer (CISO).

Exploring Career Opportunities and Specializations

With technology's relentless evolution comes an expanding realm of career opportunities in software engineering, product development, and security engineering. As digital security becomes more complex, specializations in areas like cloud security, Internet of Things (IoT) security, or Artificial Intelligence (AI) security are increasingly sought after. These specialized fields offer fascinating pathways to explore as you advance your cybersecurity and career.

Putting Theory into Practice: Gaining Experience in Product Security

Learning through Capture the Flag (CTF) Competitions

While theoretical knowledge of systems is crucial in product security, hands-on experience is equally vital to in-depth understanding. Participating in Capture the Flag (CTF) competitions is an excellent way to gain such experience. These competitions involve solving security puzzles in a controlled environment, allowing you to apply your theoretical knowledge in real-world contexts.

Contributing to Open-Source Security Projects

Another great way to the security community and hone your security skills is by contributing to open-source security projects. These projects provide opportunities to engage with security communities and learn from the challenges and solutions to security risks that emerge in these environments.

Don't Underestimate the Power of Soft Skills in Product Security Engineering

The Art of Communication and Teamwork

Soft skills, particularly communication and teamwork, are invaluable in product security engineering. You'll often find yourself explaining complex product security issues to stakeholders who may not have a technical background. Being able to articulate these security issues clearly and concisely is critical. Furthermore, cybersecurity is a team effort. You'll frequently collaborate with different engineering teams, making effective teamwork crucial.

Cultivating a Resilient and Curious Mindset

In the face of ever-evolving cyber threats, having a resilient and curious mindset is essential. You will encounter setbacks—maybe a solution you thought would work fails, or a threat you didn't anticipate causes problems. Resilience will help you learn from these setbacks and keep going.

Curiosity will drive you to keep learning and keep asking questions. It will prompt you to click on that article about the latest cybersecurity trend or experiment with a new security tool. In a constantly changing field, continuous learning isn't just an advantage—it's a necessity.


Product security engineers are expected to own and focus on all the security-related tasks of certain products, not the entire organization. However, having an understanding of the business context and how the product and the code work is crucial. Product security engineering should be involved in the design phase and help developers overcome possible security concerns.

This challenging job requires a wider perspective and a diverse set of skills. Being a part of a product team, building something while simultaneously solving security problems, provides an excellent opportunity for personal development. It allows these engineers to contribute not only to the security of the product but also to its overall success and growth, making it a rewarding and fulfilling career path.

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