How To Generate and Audit SBOM In a CI/CD Pipeline

Barış Ekin Yıldırım20 May 2022
Supply Chain SecurityDevSecOpsSBOM
<!-- snip -->
<!-- snip -->
|--- bom.json
|--- bom.xml
|--- classes
|    |--- hello
|         |--- HelloWorld.class
|-------- generated-sources
|         |--- annotations
|--- gs-maven-0.1.0.jar
|--- maven-archiver
|    |--- 
|--- maven-status
     |--- maven-compiler-plugin
          |--- compile
               |--- default-compile
                    |--- createdFiles.lst
                    |--- inputFiles.lst
<!-- snip -->
<!-- snip -->
|--- dependency-check.json
|--- classes
|    |--- hello
|         |--- HelloWorld.class
|-------- generated-sources
|         |--- annotations
|--- gs-maven-0.1.0.jar
|--- maven-archiver
|    |--- 
|--- maven-status
     |--- maven-compiler-plugin
          |--- compile
               |--- default-compile
                    |--- createdFiles.lst
                    |--- inputFiles.lst
pipeline {
  agent {
     docker {
        image 'maven:3-alpine'
        args '-v /root/.m2:/root/.m2'
  stages {
     stage("SCM Checkout") {
        steps {
           // clone the repository
           git ''
     stage("Build and Initiate SCA & SBOM Scans") {
        steps {
           // Build the application and run Dependency-Check-Maven & CodeDX SBOM plugins
           sh "mvn -B -DskipTests clean verify"
           // Import the findings to Kondukto
           sh "/usr/local/bin/kdt --config=/etc/kondukto.yaml sbom import -p JavaVulnerableLab -f target/bom.json -b main"
     stage("Publish") {
        steps {
           // publish the app to the prod
           sh "echo 'Publish'"
  } // end of stages

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